




2008-02-14 12:45:00

The most common web design mistake is to design for the exception, and to ignore the obvious. That's because designing for the obvious is boring, while designing for the exception is fun.

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Some years ago, I was involved in designing content management software. We spent a lot of time designing breadcrumb trail navigation, which tells the reader where a particular page sits in the overall classification.

幾年前,我參與設(shè)計了一個與網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容管理相關(guān)軟件。我們花了大量時間設(shè)計“breadcrumb trail[當(dāng)前位置]”導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)可以告訴用戶所瀏覽具體頁面處于所有類別中的那個位置。
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Another feature we wanted for the software was multiple classification of a particular piece of content. This caused significant problems for the breadcrumb trail design, as there could theoretically be two or more breadcrumb trails for content. Anyway, it was a bit of a challenge, and we really enjoyed working at it.

一條具體內(nèi)容中能夠包含多級分類,這是我們?yōu)樵撥浖O(shè)計的另外一個功能。但是這給“breadcrumb trail[當(dāng)前位置]”導(dǎo)航的設(shè)計帶來了大麻煩,因?yàn)槔碚撋弦粭l內(nèi)容可能包含兩個或三個“breadcrumb trail[當(dāng)前位置]”。然而,這僅僅是個小小的挑戰(zhàn),我們也十分樂意能去解決它。
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Nobody actually questioned whether breadcrumb trail navigation was genuinely useful. It just seemed like a great idea. We were sure that everybody would love it. It turned out that it was a feature that the vast majority of people ignored. Everybody I have talked to since, and every report I have read, has stated that breadcrumb trail is, at best, a like-to-have feature.

實(shí)際上沒人真正懷疑過“breadcrumb trail[當(dāng)前位置]”路徑導(dǎo)航的實(shí)效性。這似乎是一個好消息。我們確信人人都會喜歡它。但事實(shí)上,大多數(shù)人都忽略了這點(diǎn)。我所交流過的人,我所讀到的報道,都稱“breadcrumb trail”最多不過是我們自認(rèn)為不錯的特征。
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"The resistance to using breadcrumbs is perplexing," states Dr. Eric Schaffer, CEO of Human Factors International. "They increase efficiency. They support site learning. They reduce the user's "where-was-I?" memory burden by providing a list of recently visited pages. They make it easier to cross levels of the navigation decision tree within the browse environment."

“人們不愿意使用‘breadcrumb’這點(diǎn)真是讓人費(fèi)解?!比艘蜍浖稍児荆℉uman Factors International)的CEO,Eric Schaffer博士說道,“使用breadcrumb可以提高效率,幫助用戶更好地了解站點(diǎn),并為用戶提供已瀏覽過的頁面信息,使用戶不必苦苦回憶:“剛才我瀏覽了哪里?”;它們還使得在瀏覽環(huán)境中穿越不同級別導(dǎo)航目錄變得更為簡便?!?BR><!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

"But users don't use breadcrumbs spontaneously," Dr. Schaffer continues. "Studies show that, too. Not surprisingly, the picture is not so black and white. Super users DO use breadcrumbs. You do, don't you? And you use them because they are efficient. They make sense."

“但用戶不會主動地使用“breadcrumb”, Schaffer博士繼續(xù)說到,“調(diào)查研究也表明了這一點(diǎn)。這倒不奇怪,因?yàn)槭聦?shí)不會像圖像那樣黑白分明的。高級用戶會使用breadcrumbs,當(dāng)然,你也會使用它,不是嗎?因?yàn)槟惆l(fā)現(xiàn)它們確實(shí)十分有效,能起作用?!?BR><!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

This is the New Economy, and we're not supposed to be bored, are we? We're all supposed to be doing challenging work that fulfills us and moves our career forwards. We all want to design for the "super users" because this sort of design stretches and challenges us.

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There are far more ordinary people out there than super users. These people want to be lead through a simple process so that they can complete their tasks quickly and with as little mental effort as possible. They like a website such as eBay, which under a big heading called "Find" asks: "What are you looking for?", and then gives you a nice wide search box, with a button beside it labeled "Search".

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The obvious is very often boring to the designer. When I tell designers about the "stupid" things people do on websites, they often laugh in disbelief. For example, lots of people click on the search button without placing text in the search box. They do this because they think the search button is actually a link to the search page. So, when someone does that on your website, what should you do? Bring them to a dedicated search page.

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Every time you add something to a webpage you potentially make that page a little less clear. Go through your website and list all the parts that you think are really cool; the parts your friends are really impressed with. Remove them.

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What impresses you most is likely unnecessary to the successful completion of the core task. Your goal should be to design a website that even an adult can understand.


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