




2007-06-14 17:31:00


Welcome and Purpose 歡迎
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this Web site evaluation. Today we are asking you to serve as an evaluator of this Web site and to complete a set of scenarios. Our goal is to see how easy or difficult you find the site to use. We will record your reactions and opinions; so, we may ask you to clarify statements that you make from time to time.

Test Facilitator's Role 測(cè)試員的角色
I'm here to record your reactions and comments of the Web site you'll view. In a conference room nearby we have a few people who also will observe your interaction with the site. During this session I will not be able to offer any suggestions or hints. There may be times, however, when I'll ask you to explain why you said or did something.

Test Participant's Role 參與者的角色
I will ask you to search for information on this site to learn if it works well for you. We'll do this by giving you scenarios or tasks to complete on the site. You also will be asked a series of questions about your experience at the end of this session.

Things to Keep in Mind 要記住的
Here are some things that you should know about your participation:

This is not a test of you; you're testing the site. So don't worry about making mistakes.

There is no right or wrong answer. We really just want to know if we designed the site well for you.

If you ever feel that you are lost or cannot complete a scenario with the information that you have been given, please let me know. I'll ask you what you might do in a real-world setting and then either put you on the right track or move you on to the next scenario.

We will be video recording this session for further study if needed. Your name will not be associated or reported with data or findings from this evaluation. Please fill out the video release form.
Finally, as you use the site, please do so as you would at home or your office. I do ask that when looking for information, you do so as quickly and as accurately as you can.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

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