




2008-02-26 12:35:00

Welcome to Old America, famous for its great events, innumerable opportunities and of course the old but surprisingly stylish and strong Lee jeans. We say jeans but think Lee; say Lee, and subconsciously think jeans. And of course our thoughts about the jeans are inextricably linked to the era which spawned them. So naturally the entire site is impeccably done in the style of American Retro – soft pastel tones, styled photography and illustrations. Every detail in the design reminds one of the old ragged jeans. Bearing all of this in mind separately, I will start my review of the site by listing its advantages and disadvantages.

美國(guó)歷史上曾經(jīng)發(fā)生過(guò)很多大事件,也曾經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了很多震驚世界的發(fā)明,這篇文章介紹產(chǎn)生于美國(guó)、享譽(yù)世界的牛仔品牌:Lee jeans。我們說(shuō)到牛仔,就會(huì)想到Lee;說(shuō)道Lee,潛意識(shí)里會(huì)想到牛仔。當(dāng)然,我們會(huì)自然聯(lián)想到出售Lee牛仔服裝的商店、網(wǎng)站。Lee網(wǎng)站完全根據(jù)美國(guó)風(fēng)格設(shè)計(jì),包括柔和的語(yǔ)調(diào)、有特色的照片以及說(shuō)明,每一個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)都使人聯(lián)想到Lee牛仔。下面根據(jù)網(wǎng)站特點(diǎn),我會(huì)逐步介紹其優(yōu)點(diǎn)與缺點(diǎn)。

I'm not a monster, though I work at (you know where), and that's why I'll start with what I like about this site:


Cohesiveness of design - the entire site is done in one style, from the font to the illustrations

Branding - the site calls to mind subconscious associations and other connections with images of the brand itself

Consistency of look and feel - practically all of the sites in the Lee family have their own unique design but at the same time give the same atmosphere of reliability and quality, which are the main features of the brand

外觀的一致性——所有網(wǎng)站(Lee family)設(shè)計(jì)各具特色,但都可以給人可靠感、信賴(lài)感。所有品牌都應(yīng)該具有這種特征。
Clarity of purpose - the site demonstrates clear cut delineation of ages and sizes bearing in mind the target audience, on whom it is oriented.

It's good to be a kind boy, but to be an honest boy is even better. Though the site has been declared the site of the month, it does have some faults. Well, there's no pretty way to say it. Here's what I dislike about the site:


Open links - It was a big surprise for me to discover that Lee brand has 10 other sites, which are dedicated to various small tasks, like www.leelocator.com which serves to detect the local stores of the company. These sites and some others, by the way, regularly appears in the left bar though they are not identified in any way and looks like all the other inner links. I think that notifying users before they will leave the site would be a good idea. Check the four links in the “Browse Lee Products” section, all of them leads to the four different sites.

過(guò)多的鏈接——我很驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn),Lee還有另外10家網(wǎng)站,各個(gè)網(wǎng)站的任務(wù)都不同,例如,www.leelocator.com方便用戶(hù)尋找公司本地商店。這些網(wǎng)站一般會(huì)出現(xiàn)在網(wǎng)頁(yè)左邊的菜單欄附近,盡管它們看起來(lái)更像是內(nèi)部鏈接 。在Browse Lee Products板塊,你可以看到這四個(gè)鏈接,用戶(hù)可以通過(guò)鏈接進(jìn)入四個(gè)不同的網(wǎng)站。

Errors - Clicking on the banner Win Ultimate Jeans, I encountered a mistake: “Registration Form Error. The registration form hyperlink has invalid parameters. Please make sure that a valid site name and campaign name have been specified.”

錯(cuò)誤——點(diǎn)擊橫幅Win Ultimate Jeans以后,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤:登記表格出錯(cuò)。登記表格鏈接出現(xiàn)無(wú)效參量,確保使用有效網(wǎng)站名以及活動(dòng)名。

Mysterious Sounding Menu Items - It took me a long time to decide if it's worth it to click on the menu item “The Scoop,” as it's almost impossible to guess where I will find myself after clicking on it. Then, recalling that I was writing an review, I clicked. Camel Trophies' routes sometimes seem to be less surprising. But I'm not about my life, so let's get back to the site: online games and other entertaining information was hidden under “The Scoop” - this was a little bit scary, a little bit tempting and a very confusing link. It's not an easy task to name sections of the site especially when the desire to be original is stronger than the need to be easy-to-understand. Confusing section names can spoil all the work done; this is the case when the only word is of great value in all senses. By the way, on the main menu sections “Juniors,” “Boys,” and “Girls” no special inviting banners can be found, though I really doubt that such kind of stuff is of no value to increase the loyalty of young customers any more.

神秘的菜單選項(xiàng)——我花費(fèi)了很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間確定是否點(diǎn)擊“The Scoop”菜單,因?yàn)槲也磺宄c(diǎn)擊之后出現(xiàn)什么內(nèi)容,但想到我要寫(xiě)評(píng)論,我點(diǎn)擊了這個(gè)菜單。點(diǎn)擊之后,雖然沒(méi)有太多驚訝,但我感到疑惑,所有在線游戲以及娛樂(lè)信息都出現(xiàn)在此項(xiàng)菜單中。他們可以運(yùn)用其它菜單,呈現(xiàn)這些內(nèi)容,那樣還更便于網(wǎng)站用戶(hù)理解菜單。令人疑惑的菜單名稱(chēng)毀掉了整個(gè)網(wǎng)站,這可以說(shuō)明一個(gè)單詞可以具備很大的價(jià)值。同時(shí)在“Juniors” 、“Boys”、 “Girls”菜單中,內(nèi)容缺乏吸引力,我真的懷疑這些內(nèi)容是否可以增加青少年消費(fèi)者對(duì)Lee牛仔的忠誠(chéng)度。

Cookie Woes - Be careful on entering the site; if you choose “Enter US Version of Lee Website” it will take you lots of time and efforts if you would like to visit either the European or the Asian version of the site after visiting the American one. The cookie will fight to the utmost not to show you the splash page where you can choose which version to visit. Even typing
www.leejeans.com in the address bar of your browser won't help. Since cookies can't be compared to humans, they were deleted and I got the European version of the site www.lee.be … Maybe it was not a good idea to kill cookies? Check it yourself.





Regional sites are not the objects of this review, though I would like to note that the sites were developed with different design, navigation and usability approaches. I'm far away from realizing what the purpose of it was but I can admit that the task for site development was given by different (regional) offices to different contractors without developing and using as well the only web design policy before.


The American version of the site has numerous advantages from a design point of view, using attributes of styles and portrayals of distinctive atmospheres associated with the brand.


From the point of view of e-commerce – the site has very many disadvantages and cannot be considered well-optimized or sales promotion oriented. Taking into consideration the massive assortment and international status of the brand, as well as the foundation of my experience exploring other sites, I can pronounce the verdict that this site was done to promote offline marketing efforts of the company.


However, the site has vast untapped potential to be converted into an online sales generation machine.



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